Standards and Compliance
We are committed to making the School of Social Ecology websites accessible to everyone. The sites are built to meet Section 508 Guidelines and our efforts are guided by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 and do our best to follow the recommendations provided by W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative. As part of our efforts we follow the campus guidelines provided by the Office of Information Technology and the University of California Office of the President.
We use the Drupal content management platform for our sites, which is committed to making sure that it is an accessible tool for building websites that can slo be accessed by people with disabilities. It is one of the many reasons we chose the platform. For details about Drupal and web accessibility please see the accessibility statement at the Drupal website.
Feedback and Assistance
If you cannot fully access the information on a particular page, please contact us with the web address (URL) of the page. We may be able to assist you by providing the information to you in an alternate format. If you notice any errors or have suggestions on how we can improve the accessibility of this website please let us know. You may also send email to or call us at (949) 824-8202.