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Equipment Salvage Procedures


All Social Ecology (SE) faculty and staff (employees) are required to return UCI-owned computers, including desktops, laptops, and tablets, to SE Computing for decommissioning that are either (1) non-functioning or (2) at the end of their useful life. SE employees are further required, upon their resignation, retirement, or termination from the School, to return all UCI-owned computers, including desktops, laptops, and tablets, to SE Computing for either decommissioning or redeployment.

Emeriti faculty, upon written request to and approval by the SE Computing Director, will be allowed to maintain 1 UCI-owned machine.  Emeriti faculty may only maintain more than 1 UCI-owned machine if they are serving as a PI or Co-PI on extramurally funded research that requires they maintain more than 1 machine during the period of funded research performance.

Disposing of any out dated equipment within the School of Social Ecology can be done in two ways:

1) Drop off the equipment to the Computing offices located in SE 1, room 266 anytime Mon-Friday 8AM-5PM.

2) Label the equipment you have with a note marked "salvage" and email us here: and let us know what you have, and where it's located.

Note for Apple Users: Any Apple equipment being returned must be removed from your Apple ID account to allow SE Computing/campus to wipe the drives. Follow these links for instructions:

Please note, for security purposes, SE Computing will wipe the hard drives before any equipment leaves the School.