Purchasing options:
You can either purchase these through Social Ecology (webform required see link below), on campus through the Office of Information and Technology (OIT) or directly from IBM (this will forego our education license discount).
** Please fill out the form. The form is required in order to obtain a license lease through SE Computing. **
SPSS: Faculty members can purchase SPSS for university owned machines at a discounted price. These SPSS licenses are renewed each year in December and January. The pricing fluctuates each year. Please check the link below for updated pricing.
Purchase SPSS license rental through SE Computing:
SAS: Faculty members can purchase SAS for university owned machines at a discounted price. These SAS licenses are renewed each year in July. A home use license agreement is also available. The pricing fluctuates each year. Please check the link below for updated pricing.
Purchase SAS license rental through SE Computing:
The annual licenses available through UC purchase agreements only include the SPSS package and optionally the Amos module (no other modules are available at this time).
For more information please contact Social Ecology Computing Support at se.computing@uci.edu
Check here for updated pricing through the UC agreement (UCINet ID required to log in):