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Multi-Factor Authentication

DUO MFAMultiFactor Authentication (MFA) is a two-step process that requires both a password and a second verification using a smartphone or a small token device that you carry with you. The University of California is adopting an MFA product called “Duo” and most UC campuses now require it to access institutional resources or soon will.

The campus is expected to transition to DUO MFA by October 15, 2019.

For assitance setting up DUO MFA please visit:

Frequently Asked Questions

I've replaced my phone/factory reset my phone. How do I get a new token?

If you still have the old phone with an activated software token, you can go to the DuoSupportDesk Enrollment page and click on the Software Token Registration link to enroll the new device and delete the old one. If you don't have the old phone (or if you've reset your phone), please open a ticket and make sure to provide your mobile number in your request.

You can visit the DuoSupportDesk Enrollment page here:

If you don't have your old phone we'll need to open a ticket with OIT. Because they will need your personal info, you'll need to open the ticket with OIT.

You can open the ticket here:

See also: and look for the entry: "I've replaced my phone/factory reset my phone. How do I get a new token?"

Will the DUO MFA affect my data plan?

No, your data plan is not impacted by the DUO MFA. It only requires that you install the DUO app for your phone when using a software token.